Programmers are usually generally aware of how the MIT license works. What should we do when we start including more libraries in our project, and each of them has a different license? Can we make money on such programs? Do we have to add the names of the creators of the dependencies used? Are we at risk of legal liability?
Joanna Rewak from the Legal Adviser's Office Joanna Rewak, a lawyer at Blumilk, will dispel any doubts about open source licenses using the Laravel framework and its popular dependencies as an example during Laravel Poland Meetup #22, on May 19, at 6:00 PM
Joanna will discuss the steps that need to be taken to ensure license compliance and avoid legal problems:
- MIT License - using the MIT license and what are its limitations.
- License diversity - How to deal with projects containing libraries with different licenses, such as GPL, Apache, BSD, and others.
- Software commercialization - Can we make money on programs containing open source software and what conditions do we have to meet?
- Copyright - When and how do we need to acknowledge the authors of dependencies used in our projects?
- Legal risk - What are the potential consequences of violating open source licenses and how to avoid them?
See you on May 19, at 6:00 PM online or in person, in our office in Legnica.
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