Can AI become an effective teacher's assistant? What are the challenges of automation and how can AI affect educational inequalities?
The answers to these questions can be found in the latest report by SoDA - Software Development Association Poland AI Research Group, entitled "Human Cooperation with AI: Prospects for the Polish Public Sector".
The report, co-authored by PhD Eng. Piotr Nadybski, CEO of Blumilk and an expert in artificial intelligence methods and discrete optimization, offers an in-depth analysis of the opportunities and challenges associated with the use of AI in education.
Artificial intelligence has the potential to support teachers by automating routine tasks, personalizing educational materials and adjusting the pace of learning to the individual needs of students. However, like any technology, AI carries the risk of perpetuating existing educational problems. For example, it can deepen inequalities between different regions and communities in Poland if access to modern technologies is not equal.
The SoDA report also examines the possibility that AI may perpetuate bad educational practices if it is not properly implemented and monitored. Therefore, it is crucial that the implementation of AI technology in education takes place in a thoughtful and conscious manner, taking into account local conditions and needs.
Full report available at: